Friday, September 16, 2011

Why is listening to Rock and Roll unChristianly?

Just wondering why Christians have in the past reffered to rock as the sounds of Satan.

Also, Stairway to Heaven does not have Satanic messages when played backwards.|||Becuase the general attitude of rock n roll is rebellion and Christians really only like conformity.|||Because everything that is awesome is against God.|||Because Christians don't know how to rock out |||Because god hates cool people.

And stairway to heaven does have praise to satan in it. Hence the reason i like it.|||stairway to heaveN has satanic messages when you play it FORWARDS

;-)|||There's Christian rock, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.|||I don't think Rock and Roll is "un-Christiany". As long as the words are clean. |||"SEX, DRUGS, AND ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!"

Maybe that's why.

Christians denounce anything that's fun.|||maaaaybe it's the lifestyle that those rockstars lead.

Robert Plant wasn't very wholesome in the 70's.....|||Because it was new and anything new and different is evil and scary to some people.|||It caused people to dance. Dancing was considered sin because it could cause someone to lust.

That's why my church used to think Rock and roll was wrong.|||Because (most) Christians think that anything that does not say God in it 50000000000 times is praising Satan. And everything that is awesome they seem to relate with satanism and hell. They just hate us cool people. O, and rock songs like the word hate. And hate is a bad word according to them.|||Christians used to be anti dance and anti music as well. They thought it to be a sin as well as the old Muslims. The they said "as long as it praises the lord, it's ok"

Some rock is Christian, but remember, most priests are old men who listened to Marilyn Monroe or Doris Day.|||ALL songs have "satanic messages" when played backwards, even Christian ones. You know why? Because songs are meant to be played in forward, no reverse. So when people listen to them backwards they listen for words that aren't there.

Also Rock and Roll isn't unchristianly. The people who say that are often older people who find the music offensive because they're uptight. There is even Christian rock now. But that being said there is a lot of rock that is not God honoring music. That doesn't mean it's satanic or evil, just that it doesn't honor God. That doesn't mean it bashes God, some songs and groups do but not most. In the end it's your decision on whether to listen to Rock or not and whether it's a sin or not. I love rock music and I'm not giving it up. I don't feel convicted about it at all. It's good music. I don't listen to anything bad, just not everything I listen to says God or Jesus in it. That's all, it's a personal preference.|||Yeah I don't know it kind of confuses me. As far as the lifestyle many musicians from other kinds of music lead similar lifestyles. Not all rock is like Yay sex drugs w00t w00t party!!!! Especially now a lot of new stuff is relatively boring and pure.|||Today, at almost any "heavy-metal'' rock concert one can hear the audience being exhorted to rape and murder in the name of Satan. Lyrics such as the following are typical:

"We come bursting through your bodies

Rape your helpless soul

Transform you into a creature

Merciless and cold

We force you to kill your brother

Eat his blood and brain

Shredding flesh and sucking bone

Till everyone's insane

We are pestilent and contaminate

The world Demonic legions prevail"

"DEMONS" by Rigor Mortis

Does that sound Christian to you?

If you are serious about learning about this subject I suggest that you read the article at the following link.鈥?/a>|||Not all music is bad. I always ask myself....If God came back right now while i am listening to this song would he be comfortable and okay with sitting there with me while listening to it...I prefer Klove. Dont have to worry about 1 bad song there. And music is really great.

Go to|||Pretty soon BREATHING is going to be unchristian!

Which is why I ignore pretty much everything they say!!

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