Thursday, September 22, 2011

What's the difference between regular rock and roll and alternative rock?

I simply don't see the difference other than sound. To me, it seems like alternative rock mostly permeates the airwaves now.|||rockn'roll is the beat that serves the underlying sound of the music. Alternative, is the same style of beat just a little different version of the roll, which has less groove and more synchopated rhythms.

Party on!|||alternative is better! lol but i like rock the same. rock is a little more hardcore to me.|||How much eyeliner the band members wear. Haha, just kidding. But there isn't too much difference to me either.|||i dont see what the difference is between ROCK and ROCK AND ROLL... plz someone explain... but anyhoo alternative rock is more mainstream and i believe covers more subgenres....... like pop rock, punk rock, etc. i'm pretty sure|||They both cross paths but the general thought to Rock n Roll is girls , partyin and fun and alternative is general whine , whine me me, me , me, whine|||i think might have some jazz influences to it. like more desonance and complex chord structures, not sure though because some of the time a styles heading can mean the type of beat and rythym like the blues 12 bar. rocks 4/4 and swings 3/4.or even the modes they play in. i probably shouldnt of tried to answer this question cause iam not sure. but hey if you dont find the answer just spit this at the next person who asks this question and and totally confuse them and make it sound like you know something of nothing.|||i don't think there is a difference. Billy Joel sang everybody is talking about the new sound but its still rock and roll to me. I think he said it best.

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