Friday, September 9, 2011

Can you tell me about the moves in rock and roll dance class?

my gym is offering that class but before i go for it i wanna be prepared and know some of the basic moves first cos the last time i danced was when i was 6..and i don't wanna embarrass's rock and roll with a modern twist..any idea?is rock and roll easy to learn?are there lots of difficult moves?|||Sounds like you might be taking a 50's style swing class but it could also be a hip hop class that they just labled rock and roll both are fun either wy go to the local video store as most of the bigger ones have DVDs or Videos that teach ( ours does and IM in a small town) they will give you the basics after you go to a class or two try to see if you can find a movie that has that type of dance in it like swing kids or hoppin!|||um by rock and roll i think you might mean hip hop and yes it is hard|||Whenever I see "rock and roll" it is an East Coast Swing, which is your standard rock step - triple step sequence.|||rock an roll is so gay

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