Friday, September 9, 2011

How John Lennon revolutionized rock and roll?

Im doing a project for school and how exactly did John revolutionize rock and roll? THANKS!|||Firstly through the Beatles,then as a solo artist,he made us all think about hings more deeply than before,love,peace,equality,women's rights,Black rights ,freedom of speech hence - Imagine.

His song "revolution" is a shining example of where he was taking his art in 1968. He had the midas touch to move people with his music,which is very difficult to do,unless your extremely talented and have a burning desire to change the world,in which he did|||Did he? It must of been when he said something about the Beatles being higher or closer to God than Jesus. Or something like that.|||I dunno...

how did he?

you're the one who chose that

Just get all teary eyed and say "he taught us to imagine ='s"

or some crap like that...

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